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Community Guidelines - Reloop

Reloop Community Guidelines

To maintain a productive, safe and enjoyable
community, we have some do's and dont's that our
members are invited to follow

Do treat all members equally

We do not allow language or behaviour that breaches our inclusivity guidelines

Don't use Reloop as a sales or advertising platform

By naturally engaging and meeting members, client leads will likely follow over time

Do respectfully engage with the community

We encourage connecting, posting, commenting and adding Offerings. We’d like to hear about you, and what you’re up to

Don't flood the community with spam

Reloop promotes meaningful connections and interactions, not unnecessary noise

Do flag any content that violates our community guidelines

We count on our community to alert us if a member is engaging in inappropriate behaviour

Don't post inappropriate content

Any members posting inappropriate content will be removed from Reloop

Do treat all members equally

We do not allow language or behaviour that breaches our inclusivity guidelines

Do respectfully engage with the community

We encourage connecting, posting, commenting and adding Offerings. We’d like to hear about you, and what you’re up to

Do flag any content that violates our community guidelines

We count on our community to alert us if a member is engaging in inappropriate behaviour

Don't use Reloop as a sales or advertising platform

By naturally engaging and meeting members, client leads will likely follow over time

Don't flood the community with spam

Reloop promotes meaningful connections and interactions, not unnecessary noise

Don't post inappropriate content

Any members posting inappropriate content will be removed from Reloop

Be Active

Opportunities don’t create themselves. Be active in helping others and people will be active in helping you.

Be Supportive

Reloop is a space where you can rely on your circle for help and support and works best if they can rely on you too. Offer your support, advice and introductions to help your circle thrive.

Be Considerate

Treat others how you would like to be treated. Be considerate of others with your language and actions. Reloop is a place where we celebrate diversity and a kaleidoscope of viewpoints.

Be Constructive

We all need a little help sometimes. Make sure the help you give encourages positivity and growth.

Be Open

We want everyone to be able to express their own unique journey. Give others the confidence to do this by being open yourself. Have fun with it!

Be Welcoming

Reloop is committed to inclusivity and diversity and delivering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all - regardless of age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation.